Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I've been negligent

I don't even remember my last post on here. I think it was in July. John and I have just been so busy for the past few months that posting on the Baby blog fell off my radar of things to do. I'm sure that no one is even following along anymore, it's been so long. What all have we done? Well, there was my birthday, then John's Birthday, then we hosted a Snippets, we went on vacation in San Francisco, had my baby shower, had the air conditioner crap out on us twice, moved John's office to make way for the baby room, had the car repair guy use my car for his personal use while we were on vacation, went to a UT game, and this weekend we're going to the coast with John's family.

As for the baby front... weekend after this John and I have our birthing class, then the weekend after we have the Newborn care class, and the weekend after that the Breast feeding class. I'm currently in week 30 of my pregnancy and I'll be in week 34 by the time I finish all the classes. Mostly that means that once I finish the classes I'll have 4 weeks before I go on maternity leave. Which is almost as exciting as having a baby.

David's been kicking up a storm, but it's hard to tell a pattern just yet. He kind of just moves when he feels like it. We're starting to get the baby room set up for him, and John's plan is to have it mostly done by the beginning of October. Right now it's just a mostly empty room except for a dresser and some bags of clothes from the baby shower. I'm trying to get all the Thank You notes for the baby shower gifts written and out to everyone, along with everything else of course.

Since it is early fall (still feels like summer though) I'm going to be starting the rehearsals for the Prancing Papas soon. I have to choreograph and teach them the dance while I can still move. Which won't be for much longer since I'm already slow and waddling along. Especially when David sticks his head in my pelvic bone and tries to bust his way out early. Makes it kind of hard to walk then.

At night I basically get up to pee every 2-3 hours, and I'm still having odd dreams. Like dreaming about the Real Housewives of DC last night, or dreaming of co-workers getting fired, then having another dream about telling them about the dream. usually I have to wake up to go to the bathroom so I don't remember all the dreams I have anymore.

My feet have grown, and they swell up during the day now too. I get canckles, and even though I exercise and drink water and keep my feet up they still will swell to be like clown feet. I only have a couple pairs of shows I can wear anymore and they all stink to high heaven. It's also hard for me to stay on my feet for very long now, so now my shopping tends to be short.

Everyone asks me how I'm feeling these days, and my typical answer is "pregnant". The real answer is I feel pretty good, aside from the constant peeing, the waddling, the swelling, the back ache, and the sore feet I feel great. I'm just wondering if I can last another 10 weeks of this. But at least I haven't yet reached the "get it out of me" stage. I'm still in the "Get me a drink" phase.

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