Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Labor and Delivery

It's taken me awhile to get to where I can write this out since now my sweet little David is here.

My contractions began on Thanksgiving day, occuring about every hour from 10 am in the morning till around midnight when I finally went to bed. John and I were able to have Thanksgiving dinner, and watch the last UT football game of the season. My mother came to spend the night, and we all headed off to bed at midnight. As soon as I went to bed however my contractions starting coming every 8 minutes or so. I kept John up to hold my hand and time out the contractions, until they finally got to be 5 minutes apart. Around 2:40 am we got our things together, woke up my mother, and headed off to the hospital. We called John's parents on the way there to let them know the show had started.

We got to the hospital about 3:10, and we were taken to a room where they checked to see my dialation and said that I was effaced 90% but still only dialated 1 cm. The hospital called my doctor who said to observe me till the morning. It was then they moved me to a delivery room and hooked me up to an IV and the other monitors. My contractions kept coming as back labor, which was pretty painful. But my birth plan stated that I was not to be given an epidural until 4 cm. So I kept having contractions all morning until the Doctor came in around 10 a and checked me that I was now at 4 cm.

The Anesthesiologist came in about 11 am and administered my epidural. After that I felt much better as the pain from the contractions had subsided, and I was finally able to take a nap once the pain had gone away. They checked me again around 3 pm or so to see that I was now dialated 9 cm, and we were almost there. I waited another hour and half for the doctor to pronouce that I was at 10 cm and it was time to start pushing.

With the help of John, my mother, David and Donna; I pushed as hard as I could for 2 1/2 hours. By that time when the baby still had not come, they called the doctor in again and she did an ultrasound on me to see that the baby was transverse. His little head was jammed up against my pelvic bone. The Doctor then told us that even if we managed to get the head out his shoulders would get stuck, so we needed to do a C-section to get me delivered. I continued having to push as they administered more drugs to me to kill the pain, and wheeled me into surgery. John dressed in scrubs and came with me.

Through all the drugs and hormones I was freezing the whole time, but all the doctors and nursing staff did everything they could to make me comfortable. I barely felt anything when they cut into get the baby out. The doctor said I had been doing some really good pushing and that if he had been in a good position to come out naturally I would have pushed him out well. He was so stuck that the nurse had to actually push him back up so they could get him out.

At 7:32 pm, my little baby boy was born. In writing this now I'm remembering everything that we went through together and now the tears have started to come. He was 8 lbs. 12 oz and 22 inches long. Once they had finished cleaning him up and doing all the measuring, John brought him over to me so I could see him. Then they took my little boy to the nursery and John stayed with me as they sewed me back up. Then I was wheeled into the recovery room. I was released from recovery about 3 hours later and taken to my post partum room where I finally got to hold my son.

Though I am not unbiased, in my opinion he is the sweetest baby ever born. I love him so much that it almost hurts me to be apart from him. I kiss and love on him so much that sometimes he fusses at me, almost like he's saying "Sheez Mom! Enough already". But I can't help it. He's so adorable and sweet and cute and soft, that I just can't stop myself. My life has been forever changed by this little miracle, and I will love him till the day I die.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Past all due dates

So here we are after midnight on the 22nd....still no baby. He apparently really likes in there! I had an ultrasound this past monday and he was an average size, measuring about 7 lbs, 15 oz. and we got a picture of his face. Though it was in the ultrasound gray and silver tones and not a 3d. But it's all fine with me cause I got his 3rd trimester picture for his baby picture frame.

However, now we are past the new due date of the 16th, and past the old due date of the 21st. Past the muscle testing of Dr. Martin, and now we're going into the gray murky realms of...whenever. They've set me for an induction on the 28th, but I have a feeling that I won't make it to that date. I think as I have throughoutthis pregnancy that we're going to sit down for Thanksgiving dinner, cut the turkey, and my water's going to break. That's the image I've had about his birth since I found out how close his due date was.

As for me, I'm kind of happy to still be pregnant. As I've said before I look on towards the future with a mixture of fear towards going through labor and the deep need and desire for David to come out and join the world so I can hold him in my arms. This week John and I have both been struck with a head cold, so I really didn't want for the baby to come yet. I'm slowly getting better, and now I'd like to get the house cleaned for his arrival, and get those final last few things done. So I look on David's lateness again with a mixture of feelings, but mostly trusting in the wisdom of David's own timing. He's going to come when he's ready and depite what my mother says on this I don't really have any say in the matter. I know my son will come when it's right for him to.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Maternity Leave

Well I am finally on maternity leave from work...it's my 4th day of being on my official matrernity leave. I've been waiting for my nesting instinct to kick in so that I can really get this house clean for the baby, and so I can get the nursery really finished up. Today is the first day that I've had any kind of feelings or inclination in that vein, but I am hoping that it gets a little stronger since I'm still kind of ho-hum.

The baby seems to be doing fine, not that I've seen him since 5 months. But by the feel of his many kicks and twists and turns, he seems to be doing well. The Doctor thinks he's "pretty big" but God only knows what the scale is there. I was 9 lbs. 1 oz. when I was born and John was 8 lbs. 8 oz., so I've been expecting for David to be over 9 lbs.. The Dr. said that if she had to induce she would probably do another ultrasound to see how big he was before making that decision. I would be happy to get another ultrasound so that I could get my 3rd trimester picture for the babies ultrasound photo frame. I'm keeping my fingers crossed there.

My Due date is getting closer and closer, and everyone is on baby watch at this point. Mom is sleeping with her cell phone by the bed. The ladies at the church are on high alert everytime I call her. John is semi concerned when ever I have pause or make a noise. I'm a mixture between being totally freaked out about labor and becoming a mom and really wanting to hold my baby and have him outside of my body. But I'm sure he's going to make his appearance when he's ready. C'mon november 21st!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sad news

John's last living grandparent Gigi, passed away today. Gigi was a pistol of a woman, and she had a wonderful life. She was about a week away from her 91st birthday when she passed. We were hoping that Gigi would live to meet the baby, but she can now protect and watch over David in energy and love.

As I'm sitting here wondering what to write I keep thinking of all the great times I spent with Gigi. Though I'd only known Gigi for about 3 years now, she had become very special to me. I'm a pretty family oriented person and I was very close with my own grandmother. I lost my own grandmother about 9 years ago, and having Gigi in my life made it as though I had that part of my family back again. Now with her passing I'm again feeling the sting of losing such a loving presence in my life.

I'm grateful that I did get to spend time with Gigi learning about her past and her life. I learned about her life in Dalhart during the Dust Bowl and Depression era, about her time in DC during the war, and her life afterwards living in DC. I'm grateful that Gigi was able to be at our wedding, and that she passed knowing that the Poole line would continue on in our son. I'm grateful for the times we spent with Gigi in DC, for being able to be there at Gigi's 90th birthday party; for the weekend shopping together in Port Aransus, and for all the other little moments I got to spend with her. I'm mostly grateful that because of all these experiences and everything I learned that both John and I will be able to pass on our memories of her to our son.

We all love you Gigi, and we all know that you are now in a better place. I keep reminding myself how full of energy you were, and that energy never dies. Energy can never be destroyed, it only changes form. So though you may not be here in physical presence with us any longer, I know that your energy and your presence is not gone from us completely. I believe in reincarnation, and I believe that we continue to meet and experience the people that mean the most to use throughout our lives and through out our incarnations. So keeping those beliefs close to me, allows me to say that I will meet you again Gigi. Though I may not perceive exactly who you are to me, I know that my soul will recognize you right away. You have touched my life, and in turn you have already touched our son's life. Thank you for sharing your time and love with us on this plane. Rest in Peace.

Frances "Gigi" Poole
Nov. 1 1919 - Oct. 23 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010

Strange new dream

Last night I woke up around 4:00 am thinking about bottle feeding the baby for the extravaganza. Crazy thing about it was that I thought I was dreaming about bottle feeding the baby during the extravaganza, until I had been awake for about 5-10 minutes which was when I realized I was actually awake.

Anyhow, I tossed and turned, unable to get back to sleep for about an hour. Still thinking about random baby things until sometime after 5:00 am when I finally dozed off again. When I did finally get back to sleep I had this odd dream.

I was back in High School, but I was driving the new car that I just bought (we traded in the PT Cruiser for a 2008 Toyota Camry Hybrid). Ali and Caryn were there and had just returned from Ireland (they're really coming back any day now) and I wanted to show them the new car. So I took them outside to the parking lot. I found the car and I opened the door and sat inside, which was when I realized that it was not my car...at least not all of my car. Instead of the fancy controls and navigation system that the car actually has, it looked like the inside of a Ford Escort (the car I actually drove in High school). There was a tape deck where the navigation system should have been, and all the dials and interior was black instead of the gray and silver that the car actually has. But the car still looked the exact same on the outside.

I got out and knew this wasn't my car. Then a "mechanic/gaurd" came out of the little shack house that was in the middle of the lot, and suddenly there were like 5-6 other guys there. I accused all of them of stealing the inside of my car. Which they sort of semi fessed up to. I then went searching for the inside of my car. Suddenly the parking lot was a parking garage and I traversed 4 -5 levels of this parking garage, until I finally found this small room where there was this boxy looking Buick that was painted the same shade as my Camry.

I got in and knew that this was my car, even though it looked nothing like the actual interior of my car. But all the controls were so fancy and digital that in my dream this was the "inside" of my car that had been stolen. I told the main "Mechanic/Gaurd" that this was the inside of my car and he said he would put it back in my actual car. This is where the dream ends because I woke up and had to go to work at this point.

As far as the baby front goes, we've finished taking our classes. I'm at 34 weeks along now, so I've only got 6 weeks left of the pregnancy, as long as I don't go early or late. ( I love how I refer to my labor in the text of a volcano exploding). The baby is moving pretty fiercly these days and at times I feel like he's trying to pop out of my navel. I'm pretty uncomfortable most of the time these days, but especially standing up, walking etc is really a b**ch, cause it feels like there's a bowling ball pressing on my va-jay-jay. I walk a heck of a lot slower, and with a definite waddle now. I feel like Godzilla attacking Tokyo at times. Forget about bending down, bending over, bending in any which way is uncomfortable and I tend to get lightheaded when I try it. John has to help me up all the time these days. The swelling feet and hands has cleared up a bit though since I spend most of my time sitting or lying down now. Like I said I'm just generally uncomfortable, and I'm ready to have this baby. I'm now at the "Please get him out of me" stage.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Taking for Granted

As my pregnancy progresses, I've come to realize certain things that I always took for granted before and never will again. I will never again take for granted -
1) My shoe size
2) Drinking any kind of alcohol
3) Shaving my legs
4) Pulling up my pants

At almost 8 months pregnant now, my feet have begun to swell. I used to be a size 10 in my shoes, and a perfect 10 at that. My feet, strangley enough were one of the prettiest body parts I had. Even if they were a bit stinky ;D. I had a nice arch, cute little toes, and a slender curve to my feet and my ankles. But all that has changed now. Now, they are puffy little pastries that feel like they want to explode from the inside out. My ankles....are practically non existant. The creepiest thing about my feet now is when they get so swollen that the tops of my feet hurt when I walk. The fluid pools down in my feet and when I step, the tops of my feet jiggle which makes them hurt. The only relief I have found so far is to keep my feet propped us for an extended period of time. Which is not so easy a task when you work 40 hours a week and come from and married in to my two families.

Drinking alcohol.....this one is kind of a no brainer. I never felt like I was a lush or an alcoholic, but I would consider myself a moderate drinker. Though to listen to me talk now, you would think I was one step away from the Betty Ford clinic or a DUI. It's really more that when you take away all possibility and hope of enjoying a beer or a glass of wine after a hard day, you start to realize how much you enjoyed those times. Also when you are like me, and most of your evenings out centered around a few wonderful friends and smoky bar where you could sing your heart out at karaoke; you also begin to realize how much of your social life was centered around alcohol. Even if you didn't over indulge, you still miss happy hour when your pregnant.

Pre pregnancy, shaving my legs, used to be considered a chore. Now it's a luxury. Performing any task below your burgeoning belly is a luxury these days, including getting a pan out of the cupboard to cook dinner in. So since I rarely see my legs or my feet anymore unless I have them propped up on the couch, I often neglact that I have a small forest growing on my legs. I can only take "warm" baths which to me is just silly....why take a bath at all if it's just going to be "warm". And even with a bath you still have to perform yoga like stretching to shave your legs. In shower, perhaps? Not in a stand up shower, and not 7 -8 months pregnant. You might go unconsious from leaning over too long. So how did I manage it? Very carefully...sitting indian style in the shower, and doing one side of the leg at a time.

When you consider your lack of ability to bend over, coupled with your lack of balance due to your shift in gravity with the baby belly; you can start to see why pulling up your own pants would give a pregnant woman trouble. Then combine that with the swollen feet, making your feet bigger then usual, and you might get a visual image of what I look like getting dressed these days. I grab my pants off the hanger with trepidation each morning, take a deep breath, and hope for the best. It usually takes me several attempts to get my foot into the pant leg. I may lose balance and either wind up on the bed (it's very important for me to attempt this near a soft surface) or I could step on my pants in the fast reflex to balance myself on both feet. Then as I pull the pant leg up, there's typically a 30 - 40 % chance that my foot or a toe will get stuck at the very bottom of the pant leg and I can't get it free. So I usually end up on the bed again in those instances. Of course after that leg is done, I have a whole other leg to do this all over again. Between the bending over, the falling down, and the getting stuck....I never realized how adept I was at pulling on pants before my pregnancy. It had never crossed my mind that I was a frickin virtuoso at dressing myself, before I couldn't dress myself anymore.

Now with still 2 months to go until I can hold my child, I wonder what new experiences are in store for me? What other mundane tasks will I no longer be able to perform in a month? Will I ever return to my previous glory in dressing and grooming myself? I can only hope and pray that I will be able to pull my pants up once again with out the necessity of being falling distance from my bed. One thing is for certain though, I will never take these things for granted again.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I've been negligent

I don't even remember my last post on here. I think it was in July. John and I have just been so busy for the past few months that posting on the Baby blog fell off my radar of things to do. I'm sure that no one is even following along anymore, it's been so long. What all have we done? Well, there was my birthday, then John's Birthday, then we hosted a Snippets, we went on vacation in San Francisco, had my baby shower, had the air conditioner crap out on us twice, moved John's office to make way for the baby room, had the car repair guy use my car for his personal use while we were on vacation, went to a UT game, and this weekend we're going to the coast with John's family.

As for the baby front... weekend after this John and I have our birthing class, then the weekend after we have the Newborn care class, and the weekend after that the Breast feeding class. I'm currently in week 30 of my pregnancy and I'll be in week 34 by the time I finish all the classes. Mostly that means that once I finish the classes I'll have 4 weeks before I go on maternity leave. Which is almost as exciting as having a baby.

David's been kicking up a storm, but it's hard to tell a pattern just yet. He kind of just moves when he feels like it. We're starting to get the baby room set up for him, and John's plan is to have it mostly done by the beginning of October. Right now it's just a mostly empty room except for a dresser and some bags of clothes from the baby shower. I'm trying to get all the Thank You notes for the baby shower gifts written and out to everyone, along with everything else of course.

Since it is early fall (still feels like summer though) I'm going to be starting the rehearsals for the Prancing Papas soon. I have to choreograph and teach them the dance while I can still move. Which won't be for much longer since I'm already slow and waddling along. Especially when David sticks his head in my pelvic bone and tries to bust his way out early. Makes it kind of hard to walk then.

At night I basically get up to pee every 2-3 hours, and I'm still having odd dreams. Like dreaming about the Real Housewives of DC last night, or dreaming of co-workers getting fired, then having another dream about telling them about the dream. usually I have to wake up to go to the bathroom so I don't remember all the dreams I have anymore.

My feet have grown, and they swell up during the day now too. I get canckles, and even though I exercise and drink water and keep my feet up they still will swell to be like clown feet. I only have a couple pairs of shows I can wear anymore and they all stink to high heaven. It's also hard for me to stay on my feet for very long now, so now my shopping tends to be short.

Everyone asks me how I'm feeling these days, and my typical answer is "pregnant". The real answer is I feel pretty good, aside from the constant peeing, the waddling, the swelling, the back ache, and the sore feet I feel great. I'm just wondering if I can last another 10 weeks of this. But at least I haven't yet reached the "get it out of me" stage. I'm still in the "Get me a drink" phase.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Been awhile

Yes, it has been quite awhile since I made a post on the blog. July is usually a busy month for me, and this one has been even more so with a baby in the oven slowing me down. What all has happened so far this month? I had a birthday, turning 30 this year (OMG!); had a tooth removed that was causing me a lot of trouble; had John's birthday party over at our house that went splendidly. This weekend is going to be a video event at the church, and the weekend after that we're hosting Snippets at our house. Greatfully, Mom and John and myself will be going on vacation to San Francisco in mid August, so I can get out of this heat and get some rest away from work before the baby comes.

As far as the baby goes, I'm starting to feel like I've fallen behind in getting prepared. I haven't done a registry, or taken any birthing classes. Heck, we don't even have the room cleaned out to start turning it into the nursery yet. I keep thinking that I need to like, set up a phone tree for people to call each other when I go into labor, start thinking about my hospital bag, and that I need to get myself into a birthing class or something. Of course since this is my first I'm not even sure if I'm behind the curve or not. I'll be at six months after this week passes, so am I too soon to be thinking about these things? Right on time? Wasting time!? Who the heck knows!

On the physical side of things I'm noticing a lot of changes happening. My feet and hands are both swelling, I can barely get my wedding rings off any more and I can only wear a couple of pairs of shoes still. After John's birthday party was over this past weekend my feet looked like little feet balloons that someone had blown up real big. I was limping around Saturday night and all Sunday because my feet had become so swollen from being on them so much preparing for John's birthday that my toes were like little sausages, and my ankles were almost none existent. My hair is getting thicker, my nails are getting longer, and my belly has gotten bigger. Some chairs are getting difficult to get out of and I'm starting to waddle around more. All this and still 3 months to go.....John may need a crane to move me around by the 8th month.

Thankfully, after Dr. Jackson took out that tooth, I haven't been in any more pain. That thing was causing some major pain in my mouth. I got really scared about taking too much Acetaminophen. I've never been much on taking medication for my woes. Usually, if it's bearable, then I'll bear with it. I don't take allergy medication, even though I have pretty bad allergies. I'm just not a pill popper, if I do need something I'll usually opt for a holistic or homeopathic option if one is available. So for me to be taking OTC pain killers on a regular basis (up to 8 a day for two weeks), that should tell you how much pain I was in.

I was terrified that I was hurting the baby with all that acetaminophen, and resolved to stop taking the pills no matter what. However, the day I stopped taking the medication was the day that Dr. Jackson came in on a Saturday for me and yanked that danged tooth out of my head. I've felt 200% better since then. So now it's just the usual feet swelling, gaseous, midly nauseaous pregnancy woes I'm dealing with. Though now I not only have more energy, but I'm no longer in pain so I'm more willing to get out there and do something now. If only I could motivate my bank account to grow a long with me, I would get myself into those danged birthing classes. Oh well, if anything it's not as though the baby is going to stay up there because Mom didn't take the birthing classes. It has to come out at some point right?

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Survey says....

It's a Boy! I have done my wifely duty and conceived a son and heir to the Poole dynasty!

I had the big ultra sound this week. Aside from the less than enthusiastic sonographer, she did at least let us know that I am carrying a healthy baby boy. During the ultra sound she couldn't get all the measurements she needed though because the baby kept moving around. He was also being modest and wouldn't show us his little third leg for a few minutes. Because little David was moving around so much they wound up having to send me to another Doctor to have another ultrasound done. Lord only knows why they couldn't just reschedule me for another ultrasound there, but it actually worked out well.

I went for my 2nd ultrasound today at the other Doctor's office and realized that I preferred that place to where I have been going. I didn't even meet the Doctor but his staff was more friendly and personable then the staff at my Dr.'s office. It almost makes me wish I was a high risk patient, so I could get in to that Doctors roster. The sonographer there was much more friendly and David seemed to respond to that by cooperating with her. She had no problem getting all the measurements and got some great profile shots of David.

So now that we know it's a Boy, we will need to re-paint the room where the nursery is going to be. Some folks are like "Hey purple works for boys too!" which is true it's the color of royalty. However I think lavender might be a tad too feminine for a little boy. So the room will probably go to a blue or a green depending on what John and I settle on for the bedding. I do wish I could find some Star Wars crib sets to snuggle my little Jedi into. Sadly I will have to wait a few years before the Star Wars sheet sets come into the shopping agenda =D.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

We have movement!

I am at 18 weeks and 2 days today, just started my fifth month of pregnancy according to my "What to expect when your expecting" book. I had actually started feeling movement a few weeks ago. It was slow at first, feelings like dental floss being pulled across my stomach (my uterus expanding); mild cramping like pains in my lower regions (my ligaments stretching); and a fluttering, butterfly type feeling in my abdomen (the baby actually moving around).

I had thought that the ligament stretching sensation was the baby actually kicking, but when I talked to my mom about it she said "Oh no, you'll know when it's a kick." Boy was she right! I was at work today and had to go to the bathroom (big surprise there). So I went to the bathroom, came out to wash my hands when BLAM! the baby kicked. There's no clear way for me to describe the feeling of it, especially not for a man to really understand since I don't have a frame of reference for guys, but I'll try. It was a feeling similar to that of a menstral cramp, but much quicker to fade then a menstral cramp. The pain is less than breaking a bone, or even stubbing your toe. It's more like if you ate something bad or if you were constipated and were feeling pains in your stomach. But it's localized to one specific area and it only lasts for a few seconds.

Taravid (a merge of our boy and girl names that John and I are using until we find out the sex) kicked me about 3 times while I was washing my hands and 2 more times as I was going back to my desk. Once I sat down the kicking stopped. It was almost as though the baby was kicking because I woke it up by going to the bathroom and he/she was trying to get comfortable again. Dear lord I hope the baby doesn't sleep like it's father or I'm going to be black and blue on the inside by the time I go into labor ;D (love you honey!).

So it's starting to get exciting now, and I'm actually starting to look and feel pregnant. My feet and hands are starting to get "puffy" as John called it, and I'm getting heartburn more often (thank god for Tums). I do still wish that it would hurry up and get here. I also still think that anyone who loves being pregnant is possibly insane. After all, who really loves running to the bathroom all the time, and the headaches, heartburn, nausea, feet and hands swelling, muscle tension and all the other weird things that goes on? If you really love going through all that I think you need to see a psychiatrist for sadist tendencies =D. However, I am happy to be having this experience since I now have a lot more sympathy for mother's and for pregnant women.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

This Week

The major change this week.....I got a haircut. That's right, the long locks that was always back in a bun have been chopped off. I didn't go super short, just to my shoulders, but it's a graduated bob with stacked layers in the back. Everyone seems to really love it, and it certainly looks good on me. John was a little sad that I cut my hair, but he's gotten used to the new look now I think. The most important thing is that the new cut is doing what I wanted it to, which is motivate me to put a little effort into my appearance ;D.

A lot of people have asked me when we will know what the baby's gender is and if we're finding out. Hopefully I can list the answers here and get folks to spread it around. Yes, we are finding out. I'm too much of a planner to not find out the gender, and John wants to know so he can attach a pronoun to the baby instead of calling the baby "It" all the time. We should find out the gender at my next ultrasound which is on June 29th. So we should know by my birthday if I'm carrying a Tarah Ellen or a David Rawlings.

I've also figured out that the baby doesn't like Monday's. It's the weirdest thing but I always get sick on Monday's. I'm perfectly fine the rest of the week but Monday's are not good for me. I have to remember that to see what day the baby is born on.

I've started to feel the baby moving too. There's actually 3 distinct feelings. One is my ligaments stretching. This is accompanied by a very quick pain that almost feels like I've pulled or dislocated something. These happen occaisionally but not too often, and it's the only actual "pain" I've felt. The second is my uterus stretching. This is accompanied by a feeling like a string of dental floss is being pulled across my abdomen. The third feeling is the actual baby moving. This feeling is like a fluttering like butterflies in my stomach, or it could be a slight pressure that is also felt in other body parts like my breasts.

I've also started to show a bit now. It's easier to see that my hips are spreading and I'm carrying kind of high. this is part of the reason why the ladies at work think I'm having a girl. They're using the old wives method of predicting the gender by how I'm carrying. Even though I see that I'm getting bigger and I feel like I'm gaining weight, I actually haven't gained anything recently, which I hope will continue. I want my baby to eat my fat ;D.

So that about brings us up to date with what's happened with me and baby. Now hopefully I can stay up to date from here on out.

Last Week

I was chastised last night for not posting a new blog, so I'm going to make up for it today. I actually tried to post a new one a few days ago and my silly laptop deleted my entry and I didn't feel like starting over.

Part of the reason I didn't post last week was because I had some sad news to process. John took our dog Dorien back to the shelter. Dorien was a sweet dog and I was very attached to him, but taking him back was the best and wisest option. Dorien had a few behavioral problems, the hardest to deal with being that he was terrified of John. I was the only person that Dorien would obey and even then he only obeyed me about 65 % of the time.

Even though John had only ever loved Dorien, the dog would bolt and run away anytime John can near. He would even occaisionally soil himself and the house when John got close to him. Dorien also wouldn't really let anyone else take care of him, and was given to bouts of bolting out the door every once and a while. John and I decided that this wasn't a very good situation with me being pregnant. I couldn't go running after Dorien down the street if I were 8 months pregnant. Also, someone would need to take care of Dorien while I was giving labor and in the hospital recovering and that really couldn't happen if I was the only person that Dorien would come to.

So we both decided it would be best to give Dorien back to the shelter. We had tried to send him to the Eskie rescue but the rescue wouldn't call us back for 3 weeks and actually didn't call us back until 3 days after we had taken Dorien back to the shelter. John went back to the Shelter to try to get Dorien to take him to the rescue, but when he went Dorien had already been adopted. While my heart is a little bruised, I do have my own little one to worry about now. I send my love out to Dorien and will trust in the universe that the family who has him now will love him as much as I did.

Another thing that happened last week was after John took Dorien back to the shelter, my BF Ali took me to the Star Wars Concert, which was freakin AWESOME! Ali really helped me by taking my mind off of losing Dorien. We were about 20 feet away from the stage and loved every moment of it. I think I spent half the show with my mouth half open.

On Monday I went in to my Primary Care Doctor to get my sinus infection taken care of (since my OBGYN didn't really want to deal with it). This Dr. diagnosed that I did have acute sinusitis and gave me some antibiotics to take, which has knocked out the sinus infection that was causing so many problems. So I do feel much better now, and I'm feeling more like myself.

The rest of the week was pretty uneventful, just work and home; work and home, and I'll pick up the rest in the next blog ;D.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I would like to start this with a disclaimer. If you are easily grossed out or have an aversion to bodily functions please do not read this posting. It's embarrasing enough for me to write about this, I don't want to have to apologize for writing about it at church. So if you continue to read, please note that you have been warned.

So every person on this planet has gas. We've all let one go in the Walmart (crop dusting as my girlfriends call it). I like to call those the Wal-farts, cause I usually only get them in Walmart; or maybe you've let one rip at a party somewhere when you were laughing too hard. Typically you remain silent and sheepishly hope no one smells it, or heard it.

When I moved in with John I had to get used to idea that now there would be someone else in the house to hear my farts, and I should just get over my modesty issues (Course we're WAY past that at this point). It took me a little while but eventually I did get over it. When we found out I was pregnant I started noticing that I was more gassy then usual. I was burping in public, mortifying myself in front of my colleagues at work, hiccups, and more farting than usual of course. However, even with the increased gas, nothing could have prepared me for what happened the other night.

I was sitting in bed watching a movie (I seem to live in bed these days because it's more comfortable than the couch) and I had to toot. John was in the room because we were talking about what to have for dinner. When I let it rip, it didn't take long for me to smell what had come out of my body. The horrid, putrified, stench of what had just come out of my body. Now it's not like I normally like the smell of my farts or anything, but I can at least stand the smell until it dissapates.

This one almost had me gagging and turning green. Not to mention it just lingered there, suspended in the air like LA Smog. It stank so bad I had to cover my nose as I exclaimed to John "Jesus Christ, that smells!" It did finally subside and I went back to watching TV and John went into the kitchen. Not 5 minutes later though I let another one rip, this one even worse! I felt myself becoming ill and had to get out of bed in order to get some fresh air.

I couldn't go back into the bedroom for like 10 minutes after that. During that time John and I discussed that the baby is making my farts stinkier. Hence why we've named this gastric anolomoly the "baby farts". So if you pass my way and I smell like something that just died an unpleasant death or you see Peppy Le Peu following after me just know it's the "baby farts"

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Saga continues

Further to my previous post on the "Attack of the Killer Hormones" now the saga continues. Everyone continually asks me how I'm feeling? How's the baby? Well, the baby is doing fine, mommy is feeling very well. The sickness has lessened, it usually only happens now right after I wake up or if I eat to much. But there are other things which are making my life miserable now.

The main complaint is my sinuses. A strange side effect of pregnancy that they say 20 - 30 percent of women experience is sinus congestion. For the past three weeks I thought I'd just been having the most horrible allergic reaction to an Austin spring that I've ever had. Now I realize it's actually a reaction to my baby. The official explanation is "Higher amounts of estrogen during pregnancy can contribute to swelling in the mucous membranes lining the nose and even cause you to make more mucus. Also, the amount of blood in your body increases and your blood vessels expand during pregnancy, which can lead to swollen nasal membranes as well."

The reality is that about 3/4th's of my day is spent not being able to breathe through my nose. And it doesn't stop there! Since my sinuses are inflamed it's causing earaches, vision problems, and mouth pain that was so bad it sent me to the Dentist on Friday. It's not only uncomfortable for me, but for others as well. It's the people around me that have to listen to me blowing my nose, which these days sounds like Chewbacca calling for Han Solo. I have a wookie mating call lodged in my nose.

I'm also still tired all the time it seems, and now I'm getting heartburn more frequently. As my husband now asks "Aside from the sinus congestion, mouth pain, ear aches, vision problems, tiredness, morning sickness, and heartburn...how are you feeling today honey?" This is why the internet lied to me! The internet said I would start feeling better! Does this sound better to you? Maybe I need to take a sound clip and loop it, of my wookie mating call nose blowing, and send it to all those folks who run the pregnancy websites with a letter telling them they need to be more honest with their websites.

The upside to all this, my nails are growing like crazy, and my nutty cravings have lessened so now I can eat more of the things I'm supposed to be eating. The other upside is that the baby is doing fine, and at the end of this John and I are going to have a beautiful little being that's all ours. However, that end result is still so far off that the pains I'm going through are still out weighing the wonderful positives. But I'm hanging in there.

More dreams

Last night I had two dreams which were vivid. In the first dream I was with some girlfriends at a jewelry party where they were actually giving jewelry away for free. I picked a long bracelet box which when I opened it, mnorphed into a larger jewelry box. This was the big prize that everyone was hoping for. There was earrings, bracelets, and rings, but the big kicker was a peacock necklace made of Swarovski crystals.

Everyone at the party was oohing and ahhing over the neckalce so I sent the whole box around the table for everyone to take a look. When the box finally got back to me the peacock necklace was gone and another woman was wearing it. So I asked her if I could have my necklace back, to which she replied that no, I couldn't have it back because it was hers. So I got up and went over to her, punched her in the face and took my necklace back. Which was when I woke up and had to go to the bathroom.

I went back to sleep after the bathroom and began dreaming another dream. To give a little background, I've been helping with the lighting design for Gay Pride weekend at the Long Center that my church is participating in. We are responsible for the presentation of the Grand Marshalls, and our choir is performing during this.

So in my dream I was talking with Mario Cantone (who is performing that evening after the grand marshall ceremony) and we were getting along great talking about Sex in the City and how much I love Kim Catrall. The show began and all of the sudden I was calling the show from the Stage Manager's position. Then I get a call over the headsets saying "Aren't you supposed to be running the lighting console?". I freaked out and ran up to the lighting booth. I got there and it was a hot, tightly cramped space and someone else was running the board, but the lights were all wrong. So the LD and I set about fixing the lights as the show kept running.

The show was almost over by the time I sat down to the console and started running the lights. When the show finally ended Mario Cantone came to the lighting booth and was asking where I had gone. He was upset because I had left alone and he liked me so much that he wanted me to join his entourage. So while they set up for Mario's show to start he and I hung out and kept talking. Which was when I woke up and had to go to the bathroom.

Friday, May 21, 2010

The Shape Eater

I thought I would post this story to give everyone an idea of the weirdness my husband is having to deal with. I think John is finally coming to terms with just how crazy his wife really is. Here is an example.

The other day, I believe it was Wednesday, it was my turn to cook but I wasn't feeling up to it. I had sent John to the grocery store that day to restock on healthy foods for me, and he picked up one of the roasted chickens for our dinner. So all we needed for dinner was sides. John very lovingly agreed to make the sides for our dinner and asked me what I wanted. I responded that I wanted spinach (a dish I regularly eat), and macaroni and cheese (a dish I usually eat by itself and not as a side, but I was craving mac and cheese). John was a tad taken aback by the mac and cheese request but went to go make it anyway.

He went to the pantry, and I followed him and showed him where the mac and cheese was. We had three boxes, two that were the shell forms and one of the regular macaroni that was white cheddar. I picked the white cheddar because I don't eat the shell macaroni. I explained to John that when I was little I loved the shell macaroni and ate too much of it once and made myself sick, and I haven't been able to eat it since. To this he said "But honey, they're the same ingredients just with shell macaroni".

So I explained to him "Honey, not only am I a texture eater, but I'm a shape eater too. For example, Cheerios are a tastier cereal to me because of the little doughnut circular shape. Finger sandwhiches are better than regular sandwhiches because they're cut up into the little triangles. And regular macaroni is better then shell macaroni because they are little tubes and not mini cups that hold the cheese in."

I know how bizarre I am about my food, and my husband thought he understood all the little piccadillos of my eating habits. Yet, as I stood there explaining to him that the shapes of food make it taste better to me, he just kind of looked at me as though I had sprouted snakes out of my head. But I figure, if I can handle him eating apple cores and hating condiments then he can handle the texture and shape eating that I do. Love you honey!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Attack of the Killer Hormones

I'd like to preface this by asking everyone to pray for my sweet husband. Sadly, as the father of my child and my life partner, he has to deal with the brunt of everything that is happening to me. He's been so supportive and good to me, and I know he has a lot on his plate. Now with my pregnancy seemingly heading into full swing, he's also going to have to put up with the intense mood swings and sounds of retching coming from the bathroom.

So with that said, the danged internet lied to me! I've been merrily going along thinking that I pretty much had it made in the shade. I've been a little nauseous and have gotten sick a few times (like 5 or 6 times, so minimal in the grand scheme of things) but haven't had any real morning sickness like some of the horror stories I've heard. I've been tired but not falling asleep at my desk tired; and I've been emotional but certainly not Joan Crawford hormonal. Since I'm now in my 12th week, and nearing the end of my first trimester, I did the silliest thing of trusting the information on the internet that said I would start feeling better and more like myself.

However, in my case, the internet flat out lied! It all started on Monday morning when I got sick once before I stepped out of the house and again when I reached work. I had to choke through my breakfast, eating so slowly that it took me an hour to finish the whole thing because I kept gagging on what I was eating. This was also the day that I could barely keep my eyes open and actually wound up dozing at my desk a few times before I realized that dancing with the guy who plays Jesse on "Glee" was not my actual job. I still pray that I wasn't snoring during this. When I got home I was so sleepy that John told me to go to bed, but instead I went and laid on the couch and tried to doze off there. But of course nothing happened and now I was awake.

I had a huge craving for spaghetti and sent John across town (I love you baby!) to Fazoli's to get me some spaghetti since we were out of the ingredients to make it because I haven't had any energy to go to grocery store. When he got back it again took me almost an hour to finish my dinner of salad and spaghetti because every 5 minutes I felt like it was all going to come back up again. The rest of the night was fairly uneventful.

Then we head into yesterday. Again, I get sick before I leave the house and have to choke down my breakfast at work. I wasn't as tired as Monday, but I definitely wasn't feeling all that well. Also, all yesterday I felt on the verge of tears, and actually did start crying at work because I have been making myself worry about my weight. When I got home John and I took the dog for a walk and after sat and talked for awhile. Then I started watching TV, watching the Glee episode from two weeks ago, and at the end I was literally bawling my eyes out. If John had walked in then he would have seen his wife a heaving mess of tears and snot. I also got emotional that night going to sleep. I almost broke down crying to John because I couldn't get comfortable in bed. A mass of hair up my nose stopped the tears however.

Finally, today I've already upset a co-worker by "snapping" at her. Getting sick in the mornings hasn't stopped either. So to me it seems my symptoms are getting worse, not getting better. Which proves to me the internet lies, everyone woman and every pregnancy is different, and obviously I'm one of the women where the "You'll start feeling remarkably better the closer to you get to the end of your first trimester" does not apply. It's the attack of the killer hormones for me right now, which is why I'd like everyone to please pray for my husband.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Revenge of the Sith?

So on Tuesday, John and I went to our Doctor appointment where they did our first Sonogram. We'd had an unltrasound previously, when we got the first picture of our peanut. When we had first scheduled the Sonogram appointment I kept wondering what the difference in the two tests were. Internet wasn't really a help since everywhere kept telling me that the Sonogram and the Ultrasound was the same thing essentially.

Granted, it was the same sort of machine, the same big wand with lube. However, the difference between the sonogram and the ultrasound? The ultrasound, you just get a picture of the baby. The sonogram however we got a video! Our babies first television appearance! It was incredible seeing inside, getting a peak at the peanut who isn't as much of a peanut anymore. In fact, one of the first things John said when the baby appeared on the screen was "It's sure gotten bigger since the last time". Growing by leaps and bounds the baby has grown 5 cm in the month since we had our ultrasound, and is now roughly the length of a tube of lipstick.

As we watched the TV screen where our baby was we could see the heartbeat fluttering, a strong 172 bpm. I could see the little arms moving around, and the little legs tucked in and crossed at the ankles. The sonographer had to push on my stomach quite a while to get the baby to move so she could get all her measurements, which was when she said "Stubborn little sucker doesn't want to move around for me.". We saw the Spine, the stomach, the bladder, the brain, the placenta (which they said was well placed and John praised me for it as though I had a say in the matter), and we saw the skeletal structure. It was this last item of the skeletal structure that made John and I cock our heads and say "The baby looks like Darth Maul".

For anyone unfamiliar with the Star Wars movies, Darth Maul is a Sith (bad guys) apprentice to what will become the evil emporer. Darth Maul is the one who kills Quigong Jin (Liam Neeson's character) and who carries the double light saber that had all the Star Wars fans going gaga when the movie first came out. Darth Maul only appears in the 1st movie of the Prequels otherwise known as Episode I - The Phantom Menace. Here's a link to a picture in case someone doesn't know who I'm talking about. http://www.stargods.org/ClintonDarthMaul.jpg

Now wouldn't you know that the image of the skeletal structure would be the one picture we got from this sonogram. So the 2nd picture we've gotten for the baby makes it look like an evil sith apprentice. Granted Ray Park, the actor that played Darth Maul, is one of my favorite action actors (He played Toad in X-Men and Edgar in Heroes); but still I don't want to put that picture up in my house if it's going to remind me of Darth Maul all the time.

So even though the picture of my baby creeps me out there were some really great things I took away from that appointment. The first and most important is that everything with the baby looks to be fine and healthy. Brain, Spine, Heartbeat all look strong and just where it should be. Second, the nurse at the Dr.'s office didn't piss me off this time. Third, I shouldn't eat a big lunch before I am going to get weighed. Fourth, my baby can move it's little arms, and even though I can't feel it yet, is having a dandy time moving around in there. Fifth, baby appears to be just as stubborn as it's mama. And last but not least, the force is strong with this one =D.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Although my strange dreams have continued, I haven't really been able to post anything on them because they are so disjointed that I can't really put them into words. A few things I have noticed in them are; the constant appearance of friends and family, odd locations, usually something I do in the dream causes either myself or someone in the dream to be concerned about the well fare of my baby, and of course that these dreams are always interrupted by my need to get up and go to the bathroom.

Here's a few snippets that I still remember from dreams this past week. 1) I kept trying to go to a rave that was being thrown in a tree house (kind of looked like the forest village in Robin Hood Prince of Thieves), but my friend Amy kept telling me I wasn't invited because of my baby so instead I was relegated to taking money for admission. 2) John, Mom, and I were in a deserted park that had a beachy river running through it. Suddenly Mom and John and I were in a boat on this river and for some reason I had to jump in to the river to push the boat. John and Mom were both really worried since they thought the river was contaminated and would hurt the baby. We spent the rest of the dream trying to find out if the baby was okay. Though I do recall that in the water I would open my eyes and could see perfectly under water. 3) my girl friends were at a very upscale Olive Garden (which was three stories for some reason) bar sitting and having drinks. Some of John's friends were up on the 2nd level above the bar also having drinks. I went in to go talk to my friends who shunned me from the bar because I was pregnant. So I went up to go talk to John's friends who welcomed me at their table and let me have a pint of Guinness. Then John's friends and I spent the rest of the dream throwing cherries and limes at my friends below us trying to get the fruit into their drinks from the 2nd floor.

This is just a snippet of some of the dreams I've been having, but as I said before they are all interrupted by my having to get up and go to the restroom. I wonder if there will ever be another night that I sleep the whole way through.....but the outlook doesn't look too good there.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Cup size

For years now, I've envied the bigger busted members of my family. I was always wanting a bigger bust since I had relatively small breasts compared to the rest of my family (I've always been a C cup, where most of the women in my family are D's or DD's). Also my breasts have never been super sensitive, in fact I rarely felt anything at all. So in the past I would also wish I had some kind of feeling in my boobs. Looking back now I should have been careful of what I wished for.

When I got pregnant everyone told me my breasts were going to change. The first thing I noticed was how sore they were, not only did I have feeling in my boobs but they hurt on top of it! Then came the swelling, or as my husband calls it "The remarkable gift from God!". He says my boobs are so excited about finally getting to fulfill their purpose, which of course makes him excited too ;P.

Now for some background information, I was hit in the chest with a soccer ball when I was eight. Now I've never been sure if that contributed anything but I've always had one breasts noticably larger then the other one. Hence why I call my boobs Itsy (the bigger one) and Bitsy (the smaller one). So I knew there was something weird happening when Bitsy started overflowing my bras. Relatively soon after that I noticed that none of my bras (even the bigger ones that my mother had given me from when she cleaned out her chest of drawers) didn't fit me anymore.

Yesterday, Ali and I went to Target on a mission to find bras for me. With trepidation and fear I grabbed the DD cup size and took it into dressing room. All the while thinking, "there's no way I could have swelled up two cup sizes; surely I would only be at a D cup now". HA! Boy was I wrong. Not only was I a perfect DD cup now, but both Itsy and Bitsy fit snuggly and comfortably in their new cup size. So with disbelief and a vague sense of nausea I bought 3 bras in my new cup size. Ali of course said "That's what you get for envying my DD boobs." She was right of course, you should always be careful what you wish for.

Now you may ask yourself, why is this so traumatic for me? Why is having bigger boobs such a problem? Most women pay thousands of dollars to go up 2 cup sizes! Well the reason is that I don't know how to work these new boobies, and I can't quite get the depth perception working. With how clumsy and forgetful I'm becoming it's not uncommon for me to reach for my bra strap to hike it up or to try and scratch an itch and unintentionally punch myself in the boob (I've done it twice this morning already); which really hurts because they are so sore these days, but wouldn't be pleasant at any stage really.

So in closing, I know my husband is thrilled and may a little obsessed with my new boobies, but it is causing me some logistical problems. I should always keep in mind to be careful of what I wish for and to just be happy with who I am.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Baby dream 04/16/2010

The dreams are starting to pick up again and last night was another interesting one.

The entire team from my work was in this dream. We were in a large room that had blue shag carpeting on the floors and the walls. We were all sitting indian style in a circle in this room, just talking and chatting with each other and it seemed like we were all waiting for something. Also a few of them were smoking, so I was over by the window leaning out for some fresh air. Pretty soon the door opened and my supervisor Jason gestured for me to follow him into the other room.

In the other room was a large fire pit and a chaise lounge where another supervisor was lounging, and there was another co-worker from another team standing by the fire pit. Jason then walked up to a large glass desk where there were a few piles of papers stacked on it. Jason handed the other co-worker one of the packets of paper and the co-worker handed him a bundle of cash, in my head it looked like $20,000 give or take, and then the co worker left. Jason tossed the bundle of cash to the other supervisor on the chaise, who put the bundle into a large bag that held even more cash.

When I questioned Jason about it. He said that it was the payments for the reports that he ran on Licensing. He also stated that if I wanted in on the action that I could just run a few reports and he would give me a share, and then handed me $10,000 as a signing bonus. Which was when I woke up and needed to use the restroom.

Baby dream 04/15/2010

Last night I dreamt that I was back in Santa Fe, though in a different apartment than I'd ever lived in before. From the looks of the place I had just moved in, since everything was still in boxes and there was nothing on the walls. A friend of mine was there, but I couldn't tell which friend.

Suddenly the front door opened and my grandmother walked in. I was excited to see her and gave her a hug. She came and sat down at my old (we're talking back in 1999) dining room table. That was when it hit me, and I asked my grandmother "Aren't you supposed to be dead?" (Grandma died back in 2000) She just shrugged her shoulder's as though it were no big deal.

So I got dressed, since I was planning on going out, and I left the apartment. In the next scene I was riding in the car with my mother who was driving me to this party I was going to. We pulled up and started doing circles in the deserted parking lot while she and I talked. We were outside of what looked to be an old warehouse structure. My friend Amy was walking around the outside of the building to meet me with a margarita in her hand. I remember being miffed that she was drinking in front of me since I was pregnant and couldn't drink.

I told my mom while still in the car "Guess who I saw tonight? Grandma came over to my place. Isn't she supposed to be dead?" Again, mom just shrugged her shoulders as though it was no big deal that my grandmother had showed up at my new apartment. After that I woke up and needed to use the restroom, cause that's what we pregnant women do =D.

On a side note, it was great to see my grandmother again, even if she was only in a dream. I've missed her so much since she passed away, and I know she would be exstatic that I have another Cleveland baby on the way. So Grandma, wherever you are, I love you and I miss you.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Peanut and the Prune

So on Tuesday we had our first OB/ GYN appointment and got to see a pciture of the peanut. We saw a little heartbeat fluttering even. The Dr. was nice enough, though I'm not too happy with the nurse, so we'll see how that one goes. Doctor said to push fluids and not gain too much weight, but I was doing everything I could for the constipation and hemmorhoids so keep that up.

That night I went to the Hilde girls rehearsal. The women had such a great energy and I loved sitting there and hearing all that beautiful music, all the while knowing the peanut was in my belly. Once the group finished rehearsing they gave some notes and the ladies called me up and sang one of their beautiful songs to my belly. It made my mother cry and they called her up too and sang to all three of us. It was very moving and special, and I felt so connected to my little peanut in that moment.

Today, I've had my first prune! Which was not bad....I think the stigma of eating a prune got to me more than anything else. I'm wondering how many I have to eat before I'll be regular again. Although I haven't been feeling bad recently, occaisional sickly times etc., but overall I feel fine. We'll see how that prune works on me though =D.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Morning Sickness Ensues

So hopefuly this morning will be the first and last time I have actual morning sickness. I had eaten breakfast at 8:30 in the morning and after that started having some heartburn pangs and burpies. Then around 10:15 it hit me, and I had to run to the bathroom, almost knocked this poor lady in the face with the bathroom door, but made it to the toilet in time.

Afterwards I was completely tired and felt drained. My team mate that sits across from me (Mari) got me a Sprite and some ice, thank god, and I felt better after that. We have our first OBGYN appointment tomorrow, so we'll see what she says about everything. Keep your fingers crossed

Friday, April 2, 2010

Baby Dream 04/02/2010

I'm five weeks pregnant today, though the due date calculators and doctors all are saying I'm 7 - 8 weeks. They're going off my last menstrual cycle, I'm going off the date we conceived.

My dreams have been getting weirder and stranger for about a week and a half now. This last one was particularly funny, so I wanted to share it. Uncle Tim, suggested that I put all these dreams into a blog for the baby to read later on when they're older to see what he/she caused

Here's my dream from last night - I was on a beach and looked down, for some reason I was not wearing anything up top, so I had a clear view of my breasts and I noticed something that was almost the size of another nipple, but it looked like a zit. So I tried to pop it and I was successful, but once I got everything out my boobs blew up to like huge balloon size. By that time I had gotten in the water and I was using my boobs as a floatation device. So just imagine me paddling across some water using my breasts like a kick board. As I started paddling across the water that was when I woke up and had to desperately go to the restroom.