Saturday, May 1, 2010


Although my strange dreams have continued, I haven't really been able to post anything on them because they are so disjointed that I can't really put them into words. A few things I have noticed in them are; the constant appearance of friends and family, odd locations, usually something I do in the dream causes either myself or someone in the dream to be concerned about the well fare of my baby, and of course that these dreams are always interrupted by my need to get up and go to the bathroom.

Here's a few snippets that I still remember from dreams this past week. 1) I kept trying to go to a rave that was being thrown in a tree house (kind of looked like the forest village in Robin Hood Prince of Thieves), but my friend Amy kept telling me I wasn't invited because of my baby so instead I was relegated to taking money for admission. 2) John, Mom, and I were in a deserted park that had a beachy river running through it. Suddenly Mom and John and I were in a boat on this river and for some reason I had to jump in to the river to push the boat. John and Mom were both really worried since they thought the river was contaminated and would hurt the baby. We spent the rest of the dream trying to find out if the baby was okay. Though I do recall that in the water I would open my eyes and could see perfectly under water. 3) my girl friends were at a very upscale Olive Garden (which was three stories for some reason) bar sitting and having drinks. Some of John's friends were up on the 2nd level above the bar also having drinks. I went in to go talk to my friends who shunned me from the bar because I was pregnant. So I went up to go talk to John's friends who welcomed me at their table and let me have a pint of Guinness. Then John's friends and I spent the rest of the dream throwing cherries and limes at my friends below us trying to get the fruit into their drinks from the 2nd floor.

This is just a snippet of some of the dreams I've been having, but as I said before they are all interrupted by my having to get up and go to the restroom. I wonder if there will ever be another night that I sleep the whole way through.....but the outlook doesn't look too good there.

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